Sunday, April 15, 2012

WEGO: Day #15

HAWMC Day #15: Writing with Style. What’s your writing style? Do words just flow from your mind to your fingertips? Do you like handwriting first? Do you plan your posts? Title first or last? Where do you write best?

This is really where I battle in the whole blog world. I don't plan out my posts, I don't really write them down first, and words typically do not just come out of my fingertips. My posts are however from the heart, and real. They are usually associated with whatever type of day with D we've experienced. From time to time my posts are personal and about our family. But one thing in common with all my posts is Love! I use the wisdom I've gained with being in the DOC now for over 2 years to help guide me in my journey in helping others and reaching out to them. My hope for my blog is that at least someone is helped weekly, daily would be spectacular. I love and appreciate when others reach out to me in various other outlets to let me know they've read my blog and it's helping them. Honestly that makes my entire day so much better. 

If you get anything from my blog at all  please get this. Don't let Diabetes run your life. It already consumes so much of your time and energy that to give in and let it run you will be the ultimate defeat. Take control and show D that you are in charge an it clearly is the minion in this whole relationship.

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