Valentine's Day is fun for the kids in school, with all the pretty cards, and tasty treats. However it can be a headache trying to figure out all those carbs. For the most part a lot of treats are labeled now a days which saves a lot of work trying to guess or SWAG the carb count. When we put our treat bags together, we make sure to label the number of carbs in the treats, because Clifford has a friend in his class who has Type 1 diabetes too. So I am hoping by labeling them it makes it much easier on her parents when it comes to carb totals.
But if you are the lucky ones that get the tasty treats without carb totals, take a look at Calorie King (which btw is an awesome book), they have a bunch of common Valentines Day Candy carb counts listed here:
Once we pass Valentine's Day it's onto Clifford's Dx Day. Still trying to figure out what to do for him that will make it a special celebration of a healthy year with Diabetes!
On a positive note, we got a phone call yesterday that his insulin pump was APPROVED! So he officially will have a new exterior pancreas. Although he likes to tell me it's not a pancreas just a pump, his pancreas is inside and it's broken. :/