Honestly it was a decision I battled in my head before telling him to go back to sleep. I took into account it was almost 4am and around 4 and 5am he spikes up a bit thanks to our good friend the dawn phenomenon. I didn't want to risk treating the 91, and him spiking then he wakes up extremely high. We've been battling highs the last few days for what seemed like no reason. I figured he may be getting sick or going through another growth spurt. Bedtime rolled around last night and he was 102! (Phew, a sigh of relief) after two days of 250+ highs, with no normal numbers in site, this was great to see.
I decided to check on him to make sure I made the correct decision with sending him back to sleep, without treating. An hour and a half later he's sitting at 116. Which you can see he spiked from 91 to 116!. This gives me hope he will wake up with a nice number here in the next hour. However as we all know that is just hope, and no one knows what D has in plan for us. I can only ask that after battling highs and a crabby boy for no reason that D lays off and lets him enjoy his dad at school.