But now I am scanning over facebook and see this new Hidden Valley Ranch Commercial which by the way is very offensive to diabetics, parents of diabetics, or family members of diabetics who know what they go through on a daily basis.
I have already written an email to let them know how offensive it may come across to some.
While I absolutely love your products, I am fully offended by the new commercial. It starts by saying "10 minutes until a low blood sugar meltdown". I'm sorry but as a mother of a Type 1 diabetic (Insulin diabetic) this is truly offensive to me. I don't believe you would actually like to experience a low blood sugar meltdown. Perhaps that would be when my son passed out from having a low blood sugar and bumped his head, or when he had a seizure from an undetected low blood sugar?? I understand the idea of what you were getting at with hungry children for this commercial, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I am appalled. Not everyone will take offense to this as they don't live day in and out worried about an actual "low blood sugar meltdown", which by the way could be fatal. It is not something to joke about and I truly hope you consider rephrasing the commercial.
I have no intentions on continuing my purchasing of your products now due to your ignorance on the subject matter.
I have no intentions on continuing my purchasing of your products now due to your ignorance on the subject matter.
Oh wait Hidden Valley... Perhaps if I would have known T-minus 10 minutes I would have been able to get sleep last night if I would have made some Ranch burgers for dinner, or been able to detect Clifford's low blood sugar well before my bedtime..... Hmm I will keep that in mind.
I actually really do like their products especially the seasoning packet featured in the commercial, usually used it with sour cream for dip for holidays, but not this year.