As any Parent of a T1 knows, it was time to test for the dreaded Ketones yet again. I test in the morning, and test again if he has a higher BG reading. We are still using the Keto strips so it was a long 15 seconds, but *sigh* I saw it change over immediately. Thankfully our Ketone reading was only "Trace". Still not good but better then Moderate or Severe. For this I had Cliffy drink some more water. I think that boy is convinced he is going to turn into Aqua man with all the water he consumes daily. Before leaving it was yet another retest and our Ketones were gone with BG down to 384. Obviously still way high but much better then our "Hi" visitor this morning.
The first time we got a "Hi " reading on our new meter (picture above) Cliffy giggled and said I'm not high, the meter is just saying "Hi" to me.... He tends to find humor in anything which is a good thing. So now it's a matter of trial and error to figure out what exactly caused him to go a bit higher this morning, or was it from overnight and does his Lantus now need increased. A call to Children's will be in order after seeing what his numbers do tonight/ tomorrow.
And to think D recently gave us a good almost 2 weeks straight of being good with numbers from 81 and nothing higher then 178 except overnight one night to which he evened out in the morning at 134.... *SIGH* We had a good run!
How long after he ate and was dosed did the meter read that "HI" bg? What was his morning snack/2-3hr after breakfast, reading like? Hope you got it worked out hun and the rest of the day went better!