Monday, August 22, 2016

The Death of a Pancreas

We are only 18 months into my daughter, Maggie’s Type 1 diabetes Diagnosis. At this point in my son Clifford's diagnosis, I remember being angry and confused. I really did not understand the full picture of what had come into our lives. This time around however, I'm in a much better place. I am no longer harboring feelings of anger, and there is no confusion. Instead, I understand what we're dealing with, and what is to come.

If I had to describe where I am exactly, I'm getting over a bad break up, before the breakup officially happens. Her pancreas hasn't quite kicked us to the curb, it hasn't put all pancreatic responsibilities on me just yet, it's still working, reluctantly, still fighting against the attack from her body. There are signs it's giving me from time to time that we will eventually 'break up' officially, those rare 200 numbers are when it lets me know it's getting tired.  But for now, I at least got the opportunity to grieve before we've officially said goodbye to her functioning organ. 

It reminds me in a way of when my Grandma first told me she was diagnosed with cancer. I didn't know how long we had together, I knew she told me she was a fighter and would do everything she possibly could to kick its butt, and I believed her. She was a strong Irish woman, stubborn and tough, and if anyone could do it, she could. Someone reading this that might not understand Type 1 diabetes, may ask, "Are you really comparing her pancreas to your grandmother"?  Yes, Yes I am. If I could go in and rescue my little girl’s organ from this attack, knowing full well it would literally save her life, give her a life free of multiple injections, 10-15 finger pricks daily, and constant worry and fear that she may drop low and we may not catch it, you better believe I'd do that in a heartbeat. Just like when my grandma told me, I wished so hard there was something I could do to take this cancer away from her, to kick it out of her body. 

Until you've lived this life, and have a child who has to live with a chronic illness that has no consistency, doesn't sleep, and never needs a break like we all do, you won't truly understand the connection between the two.  So like the moment I will never forget, when Grandma called me, Maggie's pancreas is letting me down easy, much easier than her brother's did thank goodness. I do not know when it's officially going to kick the bucket, that is an another blog post for another time, processing those feelings of 'not knowing'. But for now, we can enjoy our time together while we still have it. Enjoy that she can sit down to eat without an additional injection for now. I'm doing my best to soak in all these precious moments before we have to say good bye to this organ that many may not realize just how vital it is. Yes, you can live without it working, millions do daily with Type 1, but insulin injections, and an insulin pump are not a cure, they are just life support to keep these awesome people alive daily. But honestly, they are no substitute when compared to fully functioning pancreas.

If you are reading this and you are new to the Diabetes community, I encourage you to Check out Trial Net. Get others in your life affected with Diabetes tested for antibodies that are seen in type 1 diabetes. It could very well save their life. No matter how prepared we believe we are, how much we convince ourselves we'll recognize the symptoms in other children of ours, we also get busy living life, and tend to overlook things. If you could have a heads up that it might happen, isn't that priceless?

It has definitely been a lifesaver in our household with Maggie.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Back to School with Diabetes

It's almost that time of year again. The kiddos are getting ready to head back to school and start a new year. It's always a busy time with two kids Type 1 diabetes. There are supplies to be gathered, bags to be put together, documents to be prepared and meetings to schedule.

With so much on your plate as a parent of a child(ren) with Type 1 you may be overwhelmed with where to start. But I want to let you know you are not alone. In fact, the website I'm working for has put together a great article on everything you need to know to get ready for school this year.

If you are newly diagnosed this is a great starting point. Please check it out here at The Diabetes Council and let me know what you think. If we forgot anything, let me know.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

CDE Interview with Janet Howard-Ducsay

I'm very much enjoying my new position with The Diabetes Council. In case you haven't had the chance to check it out, I recommend you take a look over there. It's a new site, and we're getting more information up frequently, but there is still a TON of great stuff.

I conducted my 2nd CDE interview recently with Janet Howard- Ducsay from Redlands Community Hospital. The CDE's I've known since my kids have been diagnosed have always been hard-working and patient dedicated. You can tell that each and every CDE I talk to always wants the best for their patients, and it shows here with Janice. Take a look over our interview and share with friends and family that may be interested in a Diabetes perspective from a CDE's point of view.

Growing Up with Diabetes

What's the saying they always say, "Kids grow up so fast"? Boy, is that true, but you know what? Kids with Diabetes grow up even faster! Like light speed faster. I mean it was only yesterday that my little girl was learning to walk and talk. After her diabetes diagnosis, she was ready to take on the world, always wanting to learn more, do more and manage more. And here's the kicker, she's only 5 years old.

So as I'm working earlier today, Hayleigh was helping me get lunch ready. I hear a clicking sound and look over and what do I see?

I ask "What are you doing Mags?" and she responds nonchalantly with, "Oh, nothing, just testing myself for lunch".... 

Wait a second, when did I blink and this tiny little lady become independent and wanting to test herself, at 5! 

SO yes folks, kids with Diabetes do grow up even faster! We joked last week when she asked about testing herself and she asked when her brother first tested himself, well, I told her "He was 7"... She grinned and was like "Okay then".... I guess this is what set this in motion, it's always a competition, however, little did she know he didn't get diagnosed until he was 6, so she had him beat there by 2 years, but that's something' we'll keep as our little secret, since she thinks she's winning.

Monday, July 18, 2016

New Position- CDE Interviews

Well, it's been a little while since I last posted, almost a year in fact. It's been a busy year for sure. I've recently accepted a new position that I'm loving. I'm in charge of reaching out and getting in touch with CDE's (Certified Diabetes Educators) across the country and asking them about their roles in the lives of those with Diabetes (All types). 

My first interview is up! I had the pleasure of talking with Janice Baker, B.Sc., M.B.A, R.D., CDE, CNSC, of Arch Health Partnersin California. Janice is a really sweet lady dedicated to making the lives of those living with Diabetes much more manageable and fulfilling. Take a read through our interview and share with your friends and family. If anyone is in the area where Janice and her partners work, I'd recommend checking them out.